
Books Available
Ackelmire, John G., Shumaker, John H. Jr., and West, Dick. Cactus
Caravan - 103d Inf Div. Atlanta, GA: Albert Love Enterprises
(1944) 64 pp (ISBN unknown)
Atkinson, Cecil, and Tilley, Kathy. Camp Claiborne. Forest
Hill, LA: Ack Hill Publishing Company (1990) 163 pp ISBN 0962685305
Available at Telephone 1-800-201-7575 or:
Barclay, William F. 103d Infantry Division Signal Company
Remembrances. (published by author) (1995) 320 pp (ISBN unknown)
The full text of Bill Barclay's original book (less pictures) is now
available in downloadable-size parts on:
This book is currently being expanded with photographs and additional
text by Andrew Beck, son of Captain Bernard Beck, Commander, 103rd
Signal Company. The author may be contacted at:
Blaine, Jan Without Their Boots: A Sentimental Return in
Alsace. (1993) 141 pp
For further information contact:
Bonn, Keith E. When the Odds Were Even; The Vosges Mountains
Campaign, October 1944 - January 1945. (1996) 320 pp, 28 photos,
14 maps ISBN 0-89141-602-1
Bonn focuses on the little-known story of the U.S. Seventh Army's
campaign to breach the enemy's Vosges Mountains--in Northern
France--defenses, which were occupied by some of the Nazis' finest
combat units. He compares the training and doctrine of the U.S. and
German armies, the strengths and weaknesses of the commanders on both
sides, and provides a lively narrative of the campaign itself in When
the Odds Were Even. Includes 103rd Division information.
Available at Telephone 1-800-201-7575 or:
Visit the author's website at:
Boratgis, Gregory. A Time to Fight, A Time to Serve.
Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. (1995) 97 pp ISBN 0-8059-3715-3
One soldier's World War II experiences with the 103rd Division in
Europe, including his reflections on pre-war days, his consuming
passion for football, and his coming of age as a young man trying to
keep his father's factory running.
Available from Dorrance Publishing Co, 643 Smithfield Street,
Pittsburgh, PA 15222; or
Available at Telephone 1-800-201-7575 or:
Branton, Harold M. 103rd Infantry Division - Trail of the
Cactus. Paducah, KY: Turner Publishing Co (Second Ed.) (1996)
208 pp ISBN 1-56311-288-4
Available from Turner Publishing Co, 412 Broadway, P.O. Box 3101,
Paducah, KY 42002-3101. Telephone (502) 443-0121 or 1-800-788-3350
Write the author at: P.O. Box 77, Shongaloo, LA 71072
Clayton, Arthur J. Mud and Guts: Personal Recollections of
World War II. (unpublished) (1997) 135 pp ISBN (unknown)
Visit the author's website at:
Contact the author at:
East, William, and Gleason, William. The 409th Infantry in
World War II. Battery Press. (1986) 167 pp ISBN 603-409.1986
Available at Battery Press: Telephone 1-800-201-7575, or visit their
web site at
Evans, A. Pierce. Papa's War: A Personal Book for My Grandson
Brenton. (published by author) (1997) 270 pp ISBN D811E925
Out of print, but available in its entirety on the author's website,
Papa's Web. Visit the author's website at:
Contact the author at:
to obtain a Wordperfect 6.1 copy. If you do not have Wordperfect, go to
Corel.com for the browser plug-in. Copies of Wordperfect 6.1 are also
available in starter computer kits, bundled with several other programs.
Fussell, Paul. Doing Battle: The Making of a Skeptic.
Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Co. (1996) 310 pp ISBN 0-316-29717-8
This book recounts in heart-wrenching detail the combat experiences of
a 20-year-old infantry lieutenant as he leads his men across France in
late 1944 and early 1945. This intimate experience on the edge of life
and death changed the boy into a man who became a lifelong critic of
American society and institutions, especially the U.S. government and
specifically the U.S. Army. The effect of participation in combat on
the rest of one's life is often negative and can be destructive, but
in some cases such as the story told in Doing Battle, it is
Two elements of the book are of interest to readers of war history.
One is the first-hand account of life as an infantry officer in World
War II, told with such a power and authenticity that it is hard to
believe the events described happened 50 years ago. Also captivating
is the author's recounting of how he dealt with the psychological
aftermath of being a killing machine. Fussell suffered terribly over
the years from what would today be described as post-traumatic stress
disorder, wondering why he survived when so many around him did not.
It is fascinating to read about this man's journey through the
fire, how it changed him forever, and then how he not only survived on
the other side but triumphed. This book serves as a memorial to his
fallen comrades and an inspiration to those who survived with him.John
I. Witmer
Available at Little, Brown and Co. Telephone 1-800-759-0190
Gleason, William. Task Force Kommando: Camp Howze, Texas to
Jenbach, Austria. (1945) 71 pp ISBN 603-409.1945a
Kinlaw, Howard. From Bruyeres to Brenner: The Combat Story of
the Fighting 411th. Innsbruck, Austria (1945) 14 pp ISBN
Mueller, Ralph and Turk, Jerry. Report After Action: The Story
of the 103d Infantry Division. Innsbruck, Austria: Wagner'sche
Universitats-Buchdruckerei (1945) 166 pp ISBN 0-89839-010-9
Reprinted by Battery Press (1987) and available at: Telephone
1-800-201-7575, or visit their web site at
Powers, Robert, 411th Inf Regt. Holocaust. (published
by author) (unknown date) pages unknown ISBN (unknown)
Sandell, Robert. World War II - Letters Home: At Least My Hands
Weren't Blown Off. (unpublished) (date unknown) (pages unknown)
ISBN (unknown)
Visit the author's website at:
Contact the author's grandson, Alex, at:
Stannard, Richard M. Infantry: an Oral History of a World War
II American Infantry Battalion. New York, NY: Maxwell Macmillan
International (1993) 318 pp ISBN 0-8057-9117-5 (hardback) and
0-8057-9112-4 (paperback)
Available from Book Search, Clear Lake, TX at 1-800-718-2665
Request for reprint can be made to Maxwell Macmillan International at
Telephone 1-800-223-1244
Author may be contacted at:
- This section is the
work of Ken Sequin and family - his server, Talkcity.com, is
- I had copied the site
before it closed,
- this is near complete
without the
- guestbook and
talkcity links. No adjustments will be made in this section
until Ken returns.
- Some links and items
are omitted because of "not available" items and the
original site was in Apple, this site is Frontpage.
- http://103rdcactus.com/